48 pages • 1 hour read
Evelyn WaughA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Hetton Abbey is described as a large, ugly country home built in the neo-Gothic style—that is, a Victorian-era facsimile of medieval architecture. In what ways does Hetton Abbey reflect the lives of its inhabitants?
How does A Handful of Dust explore class tensions in England during the interwar era?
To what extent can alienation be described as the cause of Tony’s problems? Does he recognize this issue?
Jock and Tony inhabit the same social class and the same private clubs. To what extent can they be considered alike? In what ways do they differ?
In what ways does A Handful of Dust use the subject of divorce to explore the patriarchal nature of English society during this era?
How does Brenda react to the death of her son?
Tony sets sail for the Amazon from England. How does the voyage across the ocean reflect his tumultuous emotional journey?
What is the symbolism of the search for the lost city, particularly with regard to Tony?
To what extent does Beaver truly love Brenda? Is the feeling mutual?
Tony ends the novel trapped in a village in the jungle, reading books to a man holding him captive. To what extent has he been the architect of his own fate?
By Evelyn Waugh
British Literature
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